Shoreham to St Botolphs

Distance – about 5 miles straight along the Adur river bank.  Time – about 1 hour and a half at dawdling speed, allowing time for photos and looking at the very small church at St Botolphs (small but perfectly formed!).

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I parked just under Lancing College and walked on a slightly blustery day.  The college chapel dominates the view looking back, planes fly overhead from the airport, the decimated ruins of the factory are on the right and Passie’s Pond are Coombes are on the left. imageI feel we should start a campaign to do something with the factory and turn it into a gorgeous eco-friendly nature centre with something for the walkers, something for the cyclists, something for the birdwatchers and an amazing pub of course!  They could turn the chimney into a observation point with lift.  There could be varying levels of accommodation to suit all – the hostel for the back packers up to the boutique hotel rooms for those looking for a romantic getaway.


It’s surrounded by beautiful chalk hills, the Adur, Bramber, Steyning and Shoreham so would suit for historians, nature-lovers and activity fiends!  There would also be hides to watch the nature; bicycle repair points; wellington boot hire; canoe hire; a fabulous restaurant on top to watch the sun go down over the Downs!  Sounds fab to me!  (And it wouldn’t be an eye-sore on the countryside any longer!).

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